In addendum to previous post, The Zygon Invasion was
blast, but then, I’ve always been a sucker for invasion stories. If there’s one
thing the New Who can do, it’s invasion stories – at least the first half. Yes,
let me amend previous commendation to: if there’s one thing New Who can do,
it’s set up invasion stories. Because if there is one thing New can
definitely not do, is resolve invasion stories. Just as I’ve
generally enjoyed the first half of every invasion story they’ve ever thrown at
me, I’ve almost never enjoyed the second half. Maybe the Silence. Which
makes me highly nervous, if not entirely reluctant, to watch the second half of
Zygon Invasion. Maybe I should just skip it, and let my imagination fill
in the gaps. Leave the memory intact, and the illusion in place. The illusion?
That Doctor Who has never changed, and continues to be the garden of unearthly
delights it’s always been.
it’s close. Sometimes, usually during the first half of any invasion story, the
illusion is achieved. But there is always something, some teen-tiny little
thing, usually in the second half, to ruin it. A bad joke. A dumb plot twist. A
blatant violation of internal logic. Something.
They almost always bugger up the
second half. They go cheap on the cliff-hanger, embrace the cop-out, invoke the
Deus ex Machina, and throw in a few bad jokes just to wreck any
lingering tension that might remain. Usually though, a cheap short cut any
grade-school story writer could have avoided, leaving the impression the writer
either ran out of time, or imagination, or more probably both.
I’m talking about Rose Tyler waving
her hand and magically making the Dalek fleet disappear. Or the Doctor giggling
and gibbering as the Cybermen massacre millions of people outside the window.
Or the whole population of earth ridding themselves of the Master just by going
outside at lunch and shouting the Doctor’s name at the sky (Presumably the
scene of them all singing Kumbai ya was cut). How about taking a whole episode
to establish what an inescapable prison the Pandoricon was, and then in the
next episode – get this – casually escaping from it before the credits
have even rolled!
Short cuts, cop-outs and deus
ex-machina. The unholy-trinity of the unimaginative writer. But even more
than a lack of time or creativity, such things
scream a lack of effort. Not just that the writer hasn’t considered
these things, but that he just doesn’t care.
And no, I don’t buy into the cheap
excuse – that many of you eat up by the bucket load, admit it – that these are
only concerns for the ultra-nerd of geek. Producers like to spit out such
sentiments to justify substandard work. These are matters of story-telling,
which is the duty of every writer to take seriously. Years ago, when some smart
alec asked Harlan Ellison what a reader, or audience, could demand from a
writer, he answered (and I paraphrase) “his best effort”. No more. And no less.
When I am fed these watered down cast off endings, I feel like I’ve not been
given the writer’s best effort. That they just didn’t care enough to do better.
So yeah, I’m a little nervous about
the next episode. I’ve been encouraged and let down too many times to go into
it without trepidation.
But I’m still gonna watch it. It’s
Doctor Who. What can you do?