Tuesday, April 16, 2019

A lot of people seem to really have it in for teachers. Possibly they were made to stay in for recess one too many times. Perhaps they had a substitute in Kindergarten who scarred them for life. Maybe they resented all that homework. Maybe they were just shitty students and resented being reminded of the fact. Whatever the case, they can't stand teachers, don't respect their expertise, don't see their value to society, think they make too much money (oddly while admiring multi-billionaires) and resent their vacations. These people exist, and there will always be politicians willing to indulge them.

Cue Doug Ford, whom I suspect was not a particularly great student. A little while ago we discussed Ford's plans to introduce a math test for teachers. While it is rather galling to be given a math test by someone who hasn't taken a math test in forty years. . .whatever. It's one more hoop in a job full of hoops. Now I hear they want to make it an annual test.

They can go fuck themselves. 

If I occasionally have to prove my competence in a subject I'm teaching, fair enough. But if I have to waste time studying for a test outside my field, year after year because they don't trust me to remember anything. . .forget it. This is not about competence.

This a game of "gotchya!" If they didn't catch you last time, they want to catch you next time. They want to keep trying until they can catch you stumbling in an area outside your expertise. Keep trying until they can get you on an off-day, after a misread or a brain-fart. 

This has nothing to do with helping kids, but entirely about punishing teachers. The message is simple:
        We don't trust you.
        We don't value you.
        We don't value your contribution.
        We don't value your skills.
        We don't value your field.
        We're going to keep trying 'till we're rid of you.

Value and values are the big things here. These philistines don't value the arts or humanities, or indeed anything that can't immediately be monetized, and are trying to delegitimize it with punitive tests. I can't help noticing that math teachers won't be taking literacy tests, or IT instructors history (itself only worthwhile for instilling nationalism).

This is an attempt to belittle noble professions and fields, by boors who don't get them. Having my competence questioned questioned by these knuckle dragging troglodytes is particularly galling. This drug-dealing college drop-out wants to test ME on an accademic issue?

I'll take their test when they come and take mine. How well would you do on Grade 11 College Prep English Mr. Ford? How well DID you do?

(And in case you think I'm libelling:



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