Wednesday, March 30, 2022

In which a Polish academic lays waste to Western intellectuals.

Along the same lines as the last one, here's a statement from a Polish academic, who's had it up to here with Westerners proclaiming that Eastern Europe should have been left to Russia's tender mercies after 1991:

Again, for those in the back: NATO expansion was not simply an American or a Western ploy to make Russia feel bad. The new members all had a say in it. You will notice none of them rushed to revamp the Warsaw Pact. 

And again, I ask: why should Russia's security concerns matter more than Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, and North Macedonia's security concerns? 

Each of these countries has, in the not so distant past, been invaded, conquered, and brutally exploited by Russia. One would think their desires might come into it at some point. How many more millions need to be sacrificed to Russian paranoia? 

If Russia feels so threatened by the world, perhaps it would do well to stop threatening the world. It might start by looking itself in the mirror, and asking itself why every single one of its neighbours seems so dead-set against it. In all those disputes, what's the common factor? 

In the words of someone, "It's not me, it's you babe." 

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