Tuesday, December 13, 2022

On Yet Another Lame-Ass Peace Proposal from a Clueless Western Wonk.

Even as Ukraine fights for her very existence, there are a great many comfortable westerners tutting that she may not be facing genocide today if she had only been less pushy in Donbass or Crimea back in the 2000s.   If she would just talk to her would-be exterminators, the assertion goes, maybe hand over Kherson, all would be just fine. 

A recent example of this Chamberlainesque balderdash is a Russophilic wank by one Jeffrey Sachs,  inanely titled  A Mediator's Guide to Peace in Ukraine.   

He starts off saying the invasion was wrong, because that’s what you’ve got to say to not sound like a complete and utter moron, and then goes on to blame the Ukraine and the West for everything. Before we even get into his verbatim recitation of the Kremlin’s other talking points, or its nauseating US centrism, I draw your attention to his claim that this was all the fault of NATO expansion, to the extent that it’s the first thing he lists in his prerequisites for peace in the final paragraph.

If I hear one more of these blowhards bleep about NATO expansion, I will scream.  I have screamed. I’m screaming now. Condemning NATO expansion grants one automatic non-revokable citizenship to Idiotland. Saying it with a straight face is akin to wearing a bright neon green sandwich board sign reading in all caps made of LED lights I AM A DOLT. Committing it to paper outs one as a contemptible Muscovite goon.

How so? Because it treats all of Eastern Europe as Russia’s personal playground. It asserts that the people and the land are basically the property of Russia, their cultures and institutions only existing at the discretion of Russia. It dignifies Russia’s self granted right to do as it pleases with its neighbours. It abandons those people to Russia’s tender mercies. Jeffrey Sachs joins Noam Chomsky, Henry Kissinger and Roger Waters in regurgitating this particular brand of geopolitical barf. 

You know who’s missing from all this self-satisfied  pronunciomento?

Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Czechia, Slovakia,  Hungary, Albania, Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and basically all the countries who wanted, well-nigh begged to part of that expansion. Did it occur to Msrs. Sachs and co for a fleeting drunken moment that these countries of some hundred million people might have had some say in all that? Did they ponder for moment WHY these people wanted in?


I’m bloody well sick of these clowns.   Russia has no “legitimate security concerns”. No one wants to invade Russia. The aforementioned countries do no want to invade Russia or take its resources or force it to use gender neutral bathrooms. They want Russia to stay the fuck home and not invade their own countries. When the Muscovites (and their toadies like Sachs) understand this, then there will be peace. 


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