So. . .
Having destroyed freedom
of speech in Turkey , it now looks like Recep Erdogan wants to destroy
it in Germany as well. Don’t laugh: he just might.
According to the Guardian It started when a comedian
named Jan Böhmermann read out a less than flattering poem about Erdogan on
German television. The legendarily thin-skinned Erdogan went crying to Angela
Merkel, demanding Bohmermann be prosecuted. After which Merkel, as leader of
one of the world’s strongest democracies, told Erdogan in uncertain terms to
screw off, right?
No actually. She frumped disapprovingly over this “deliberately
offensive text”, which is only to be expected in diplomatic circles. After all,
what is one world leader supposed to say to another? But it would never go to
trial. Would it?
Well. . .there is a law. Paragraph 103 of the Criminal Code forbids
insulting representatives of foreign states. And there are some German
politicians who seem quite keen to enforce it. No less than the general
secretary of the Merkel's party Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Peter Tauber exclaimed:
“In a constitutional democracy we all
have to stick to the rules, and one of these rules is that offending foreign
heads of state is punishable by law,”
Wow. Nobody
tell Kim Jong Un.
Isn’t it
interesting that Mr. Tauber thinks protecting the delicate feelings of foreign
despots is more integral to Constitutional Democracy than upholding the rights
of its own citizens? And why am I not surprised that a politician would want to
enforce a law designed to protect politicians from ridicule?
Granted, I’m
no lawyer, but all the same, I’m at a loss as to how German lawmakers figured
this little stipulation was consistent with Constitutional Democracy.
Basically, it means that any tin-pot dictator’s cult of personality is
technically enforceable in Germany .
I hope it
doesn’t have an extradition treaty with any of these places.
That’s the
obvious part. But there is a little worm in the ointment that complicates
things a little. It doesn’t change anything, but it complicates it just a bit.
Let’s look at what Böhmermann actually said. Like all the
best comedians, most of what he said is true. He accuses Erdogen of “repressing
minorities” – true! – “kicking kurds” – true! – “slapping Christians” – true! –
“while watching child porn” – oh dear.
Accusing someone of watching child porn is not a small thing, and it’s
only natural that Erdogen would take exception to it. It muddies the waters
because it takes us from the realm of political commentary into the world of
slander and libel, where, under most juristictions, Erdogen would have a much
stronger case.
What is libel? The technical definitions vary, but it basically amounts
to false accusation, or defamation, or falsehoods that could damage a
reputation. Spurious accusation of child pornography could destroy a life just
as thoroughly as a physical assault, so laws are in place to prevent them being
made willy-nilly.
have to be super careful when reporting on such things; it’s why in criminal
trials, even where the evidence seems overwhelming, the crime is always
“alleged” and the defendant is always “the accused”.
A chief
defense against libel law is that of “fair-comment”. It is fair to comment on
certain things and express an opinion. So, for example, in a restaurant review,
you are free to say it’s a lousy restaurant, but not that they put rats in the
stew. The former is just your opinion; the later is a lie.[1] The former is fair
comment, the latter would be slander. I wonder if Böhmermann
has opened himself up to a charge of slander, rather nullifying his fair (and
necessary) political comment with a cheap (and not-terribly funny) joke.
The existence
of libel law – in theory – shouldn’t amount to a limitation on your freedom of
expression. You are free to speak the truth. You do have to prove that it is
the truth. Which strikes me as only fair and reasonable: say what you will, but
be prepared to back up your words. I
personally have always thought of freedom of expression as the ability to speak
the truth rather than the ability to blab: but as one man’s truth is another
man’s blabbery, the definition should be as inclusive as possible and come with
as few external fetters as possible.
Unfortunately, libel law is often
used to limit freedom of expression, and limit the truth. In Britain , anybody can sue anybody for just
about anything. The British Chiropractic Association sued Dr. ___________ for
telling the British public that chiropractic is full of shit[2]. He didn’t slander them:
all he did was publish the data. In my home town, developers have sued
residents for speaking out against them – their case was weak, but they were
counting on their victims to be unable to bear the court costs. In the hands of
the rich, this law, like most others can be a gag for the poor.
But libel law isn’t the only gag
available to the psychotically insecure, and dictators aren’t the only ones ins
search of them. I don’t even know if Erdogen’s going for libel. What interests
me is that laws exist in democratic countries which give foreign dictators a
measure of control over their citizenry, and many people seem happy to
relinquish this control. Germany isn’t the only place with such laws on
the books: Italy , Poland and Switzerland have them too, and in Britain ’s it’s still technically illegal to
call for abolishing the monarchy in print. Not so long ago, many people happily
conceded that the Ayatolah Komeny should have the power of life and death over
British citizens. Many seem to think the Charlie Hebo staff had it coming. Ireland still has blasphemy laws on its books.
In Canada , citizens can be hauled before “Human
Rights Tribunals” without legal representation, for any perceived slight. Some
conservatives want to criminalize criticism of Israel (anti-semitism), and some liberals
want to criticise criticism of Islam (Islamophobia) and both call for ever
expanding the hate speech or obscenity laws.
Meanwhile, bloggers have been
arrested and lashed by their government in Saudi Arabia [3], or lynched by their countrymen in Bangladesh for the despicable crime of expressing
their thoughts. Both must have known the risks and both thought them worth
taking. Courageous people the world over are dying for what we in the first
world are quite relinquishing. How inspiring and sickening it is at the same
Most concerning is this little quote from the CDU Parliamentary Faction leader:
“In a constitutional democracy, it is up to the courts to decide where the boundaries lie."
“In a constitutional democracy, it is up to the courts to decide where the boundaries lie."
So, the courts get to decide the limits of satire, and the limits of speech, and the limits of thought. Has the Parliamentary Faction leader considered that the courts decide such things in dictatorships as well?
Autocrats of the world, rejoice!
Autocrats of the world, rejoice!
[1] Assuming of course they
don’t actually do this – but even if they did, you’d need damn good evidence
for it before committing it to print. You’d be better off just repeating what other
people say.
[2] Fortunately,
Dr.___________ is also a best-selling author, and so happened to have the
resources to fight back. Many do not.
[3] Which Canada ’s
Liberal government is happily selling a billion dollars worth of armoured cars
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