Tuesday, May 14, 2019

On being lectured by the Pot; Huawei Canada and other righteous citizens. . .

When it comes to sheer, balls-out, unbridled-by-self-awareness audacity - by which I mean some combination of "impudence", "impertinence", "temerity" "effrontery" and "assholery", - you can't beat Huawei Canada. While the Chinese Communist Party aren't exactly famous for their sense of irony, lecturing me over Twitter about "rights" really made me choke on my breakfast. That the copy was probably written by some stooge from this country made it all the worse.

I really should know better than to expect shame from a country which, even now, is rounding up and imprisoning millions of religious minorities. It is after all what authoritarian regimes do: take advantage of rules they themselves refuse to follow or even recognize. But do they really expect Canadians to be stupid enough to swallow this guff about Meng's rights - ensconced as she is in her luxury Vancouver home, surrounded by the best lawyers money can buy - while Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor rot in some unmarked compound? 

Well, considering this is coming from Huawei Canada, and considering the Tweet had some 31 likes, and considering that the product is advertised by no less than Hockey Night in Canada, I guess they found some of us who did.  

Appropos of. . .a great deal actually. 

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