Invaders habitually blame their victims for getting themselves invaded.
And authoritarians can be the most self-pitying twats.
Kremlin Kry-baby Dmitry Peskov is upset now because the civilized world is sanctioning his country.
How do you say "Boo hoo hoo!" in Russian? ( Бу ху ху)
Why can't we just let them massacre Ukranians in peace? How dare we impound their yachts and interrupt their Instagram feeds?
From now on, I think I'll start referring to twats as Dmitry Peskovs. The pathetic bellyaching coming out of Russia these days is as hilarious as it is nauseating. Like the bully who cries when you hit them back, they see themselves as the victims. The big Mean West won't let them kill who they want to anymore.
The pitiful pesky Peskov has taken self-pity to new levels:
“For a couple of
decades, we were telling the collective west that we are afraid of your Nato’s
moving eastwards. We too are afraid of Nato getting closer to our borders with
its military infrastructure. Please take care of that. Don’t push us into
the corner. No.. .
Then, we said, listen,
guys, we’re not happy with the possibility of Ukraine’s getting into Nato,
because it will endanger us additionally, and it will ruin the balance of
mutual deterrence in Europe.
No reaction.
Then we said, listen,
guys, we want equal relationship. We want to take into account each other’s
concerns. If you don’t into account our concerns, then we will be a little bit
nervous. No reaction completely.”
Russia's afraid? Why do I not care? Thing is, Russia backed itself into a corner. It picked a fight with a smaller kid and now finds the whole school yard arrayed against it. We're supposed to believe it's afraid? How does it think its neighbours feel?
Russia wants the world to respect its concerns. Has it ever in its history respected anyone else's concerns? Has it respected Ukraine's concerns?
Did it respect Poland's concerns in 1939 when it signed a non agression pact with Hitler and jointly invaded with Nazi Germany? Or when it massacred 22 000 Poles at Katyn?
Did it respect Finland's concerns, also in 1939, when it snatched up the Karelian Isthmus, kicked out some 450 000 Finns, and bombed Helsinki?
Did it respect Estonia's concerns when it swallowed up that country and deported 60 000 of its citizens?
Did it respect Latvia or Lithuania's concerns when it swallowed up those countries and deported 35 000 each of it's citizens?
Did it have any more respect for Poland's when it invaded AGAIN in 1956?
Or Hungary's in 1956, when the Red Army stormed Budapest, killing some 2500 people?
Or Czechoslovakia's in 1968, as it crushed the Prague Spring under its tank treads?
Or Afghanistan's, during a decade long occupation?
Or Chenya's, whom it bombed flat?
Or Syria's?
Does Russia have any neighbours whom it HASN'T attacked, invaded, bombed, or attempted to annex? Maybe Turkey - a large country with a large army. Small countries take note: Russia doesn't play nice. It doesn't deal fairly with anyone it feels it can kick around. In the last hundred years, you'd be hard pressed to find any occasion where it acted mercifully, honestly, or in good faith. Yet even now, pissants like Pekov go on like Russian's been hard done by. Like all they ever wanted to do was sit in the dachas reading Gogol. But what could they do: those beastly Eastern Europeans kept asserting their national identities!
How do you say "Fuck You" in Russian?
пошел на хуй
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