Tuesday, April 5, 2022

 Is there a word to describe the irony, gal, nerve, impudence and sheer effrontery of invoking nazis to call for some of the worst crimes since the nazis? (Admittedly, a depressingly tight competition). Irony, gal, nerve, impudence and sheer effrontery don't begin to cover it. 

Timofey Sergeytsev, the Kremlin's "political technologist" (now there's a term that grates like cat claws on a backboard) has written a paper called "What Russia Should do with Ukraine". His answer is basically "Kill everyone in Ukraine".  

I'm not joking. I really, really wish I were. You can read the whole thing here

Here's a morsel:

"Denazification is necessary when a considerable number of population (very likely most of it) has been subjected to the Nazi regime and engaged into its agenda. That is, when the “good people — bad government” hypothesis does not apply. Recognizing this fact forms the backbone of the denazification policy and all its measures, while the fact itself constitutes its subject."

Whatever crimes Sergeytsev has dreamed up in his bat-shit bonkers brain, are now the collective responsibility of the Ukrainian people. The "backbone" of Russian policy is collective guilt and collective punishment. For crimes existing entirely in their deranged imagination. 

They've made "Denazification" a synonym for "genocide". 

Or if that word has lost its bite for you, try "mass-murder, mass-killing, mass-slaughter, massacre, butchery, or industrial scale state-sanctioned death". 

Read the thing. Pause for a vomit-break, and continue to read the thing. You're reading the modern Mein Kampf.  And he's spinning it as an anti-nazi thing!!! Orwell's doing backflips.  

“Ukra-nazism poses a much bigger threat to the world and Russia than the Hitler version of German Nazism.”

How do you say "You've gotta be fucking kidding me. . ." in Russian? The autocrat never respects your intelligence. He assumes you have none.   

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